American of Objectivist persuasion trying to preserve, protect, and restore his country to reason, rights, and capitalism.
George Mason
Gender: male
Occupation: Professional (physician specialist)
Location: Fly Over Country : United States
George Mason is my nom de plume. I acknowledge eternal debt to the father of the Bill of Rights, George Mason, one of America's founders. I also acknowledge that this war on America, formally declared by representatives of Islam and undeclared by hosts of anti-Americans, is foremost a war of ideas. That is where our blogging team intend to engage the enemy, and win with rational and good ideas.
Cubed and I are Objectivists philosophically, meaning only that we have steeped ourselves in the philosophy of Ayn Rand since 1965.
Highly talented fellow blogger, Eleanor, has joined the fight with us as a friend and strong ally. GM has also been a Navy physician of several specialities, Cubed is a physician of several specialties, and Eleanor a retired educator.
Since 11 September 2001, all of Sixth Column has been sounding the tocsin to wake up Americans. Check out our website 6th Column Against Jihad and the rest of our internet family, listed on this site, for other, outstanding material.
Philosophy (Objectivism), ideas, sciences, internet and blogging, writing, reading
FAVORITE MOVIESBridge Over River Kwai, Gone with the Wind, Silver Streak (1934), This Land Is Mine (1943), and those Saturday afternoon Westerns and serials.
FAVORITE MUSICBach and Bach-like baroque, Vivaldi, Sibelius, Saint-Saens, a whole bunch of romantics; and classic country and bluegrass.
FAVORITE BOOKSAtlas Shrugged; Ominous Parallels; and too many soul-feeders to list...