Helpful Homeschooling Resources

  • Powerful Minds

    Objectivist Glenn Woiceshyn, with degrees in Engineering Science and Mechanical Engineering, became alarmed with the quality of education his (then) nine-year-old son was receiving, and began to homeschool him with two other fifth graders.

    He was dissatisfied with the basic materials available to him, and began to create his own, which are now available to other homeschoolers. They can be seen at his website.

    Strong Brains

    Andrew Layman, Objectivist from Microsoft, has designed a website with about 500 books covering the essentials of an education in the arts and sciences.
    The books are listed by topic (Sciences, Technologies, Arts) and by sequence from the most basic to the more specialized, and are of special interest to homeschooling parents and others interested in educating themselves or their children.


  • Schools of Interest to Objectivists

    VanDamme Academy

    Lisa VanDamme, former homeschooler and founder/Director of the VanDamme Academy of Laguna Hills, California, has published on educational matters in the Objective Standard and Capitalism Magazine, and has lectured at the Ayn Rand Institute.

    Montessori Schools

    The "Montessori Method" has been praised by Ayn Rand as epistemologically superior, and has been shown in many studies to live up to that praise. Maria Montessori, the first woman to graduate from an Italian medical school, originally designed her internationally famous program for youngsters between about three and six.

    There is a "caveat" here, however; Montessori considered her achievement to be a "gift to the children of the world," and did not protect the integrity of the method or the materials by copyright or patents. As a result, anyone without any training whatsoever can fraudulantly label his or her establishment as a "Montessori school."

    It is therefore very important when considering a Montessori school for a child to determine whether the teachers have been certified by a recognized Montessori organization such as the American Montessori Association, the International Montessori Association, etc.


  • Examining all ideas relevant to creating an America fulfilling the unkept promises of the Enlightenment. Focuses on current events, critical facts, and principles.
  • Auxilliary to Brushfires of Freedom.
  • Esthetic and cultural commentary auxiliary to Brushfires of Freedom and The New Enlightenment.
  • Companion website to blog "Brushfires of Freedom". In-depth analyses of global topics and trends as they impact the USA, philosophical issues of critical importance to matters such as the War with Islam, and the internal cultural rot of America. Publishes 4 - 6 times a year for new material. Some authors are not Objectivists, but all provide very valuable materials.
  • Eleanor offers materials concerning current events from all over the world, with her own unique take on these materials.
  • (Cubed). Focuses on principles and facts behind the present collapse of American education, particularly in the K - 12 range, and presents what might be and ought to be in schools, from an Objectivist orientation.

November 2007

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Some Mo' Florida Gators National Championships

  • Tough 2007 for Ohio State University
  • Basketball 2007 and 2006!!!!!!!!!!!

    GO GATORS!!!!!!!!!!
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