From: Why Belgium Loves Kosovo. And the Consequences for Southern California by Thomas Landen at Brussels Journal
Some seem to think that Kosovo’s independence will become a precedent for other stateless nations, such as Catalonia, the Basque provinces, Brittany, Scotland, Flanders, who aim for statehood. The difference, however, is that, unlike Kosovo, these are genuine nations, and when they are serious about attaining sovereignty, like Flanders, they tend to reject the multinational EU project as well. The American and Europeans troop in Kosovo will soon be perceived as oppressors if they keep resisting the aim of the Kosovo Albanians for unification with Albania. Then America and Europe, having antagonized Serbia and Russia over Kosovo, will feel the consequences of having stirred the Kosovar hornets’ nest in the Balkans.America, however, should fear other consequences, too. The Kosovo Albanians claimed Kosovo for two reasons: (a) because long, very long ago, before the province was Serbian, it used to be theirs and (b) because today they have become a majority in the province. America granted them their wish and forced Serbia out.
What if tomorrow Hispanics in California (or Texas) push for the independence of Southern California (or Southern Texas), arguing (a) that a long time ago, before these provinces became Anglo-American, they were Mexican and (b) that Hispanics have now become a majority there? Applying the Kosovo logic of Bill Clinton and George Bush, Washington should then be forced out of Southern California by an international army of European, Russian and Chinese troops who would establish an independent “nation” there. All this would be done in violation of the international rule that international borders can only be changed with the agreement of all parties. This is how Washington is treating Serbia today. If one day Washington were to be treated in a similar fashion it would only be getting its due.
Bingo! I've been making the same point about the separatist movement in the American Southwest for some time, and the similarities between that of the origins of the EU and the Security and Prosperity Partnership in North America.
See also: Border Incidents in Kosovo and Mass Border Wedding on Valentine's Day
Report from Occupied America: Maywood, CC - Small Town USA... via The Mexican Country Mouse and the American City Mouse and Ferocious Differences