So how much water does pasta really need? My grandmother, my mother, mother-in-law, aunts, cousins, neighbors all filled an enormous stockpot with gallons of water, making the filled pot heavy, dangerous to lift, and difficult to work with at the end of the process.
I was delight to learn that experiments have developed products to lesson the amount of water, and in some cases, start the pasta in cold water. But would it work, and would THEY like it?
The THEY of course belong to the older generation who believe they know how pasta is supposed to be, and how it should taste with sauce.
And then there's the ultimate critic of all things: my husband. No other's opinion stands up to ultimate arbitrator of culinary matters. Freshness, taste, texture, aroma, appearance, seasoning of food are important matters, and judgment can make or break a following interval if a dish doesn't live up to his sometimes arbitrary standards that take years to master.
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