For years I have sounded the alarm. All one has to do is step back and take a good look at the big picture: the free nation state rapidly is being eroded in favor of a tyrannical internationalism.
Tyranny at the hands of whom? The new masters most certainly could be found among the various ideologies that presently are vying for control: Islam, Socialism, Progressivism, or even a militant kind of Democracy.
Some ascendent nation states, such as China with a ruthless form of capitalism, could surprise. Or bureaucracies, such as the United Nations with all of its sub-directories and conventions, could end up the winner.
In any case, whether one of the above, or a yet unnamed sleeper could emerge the winner, it is likely that the standardization movement to create easier and "better" forms of international trade, monetary systems, arbitrage, ease of movement of labor and capital, etc. will result in a loss of personal freedom that Westerners, at least Americans, now have enjoyed several centuries.
Personal freedom is antithetical to bureaucracy, a roadblock to internationalism.
World order was the dream of the ancients. One only has to think of Alexander the Great, Genghis Kahn, Ancient Greece, Rome, and even Hitler. All of these used the tyranny of the conquerer in the quest.
Twentieth Century visionaries sought to impose world order through consensus. But were the failed League of Nations and the extant United Nations any less tyrannical that the conquerers or the ideologies that seek impose their will on the rest of us?
To my mind they are all the same. Today's elite are seeking to strip ordinary people of their human right to self determination.
Here is Herbert London at Pajamas Media: "Wilsonian Internationalism Reborn."
It was nice while it lasted.