For one thing they lack self-control. Muslim activists worldwide have no idea how badly their rallies reflect on them and their religion. You know, the ones during which they condemn the West for free speech and free expression of any kind. In fact, Islam's insistence on controlling all facets of human activity, thought, word, and deed, make it antithetical to the principles on which this country was founded. Michelle Malkin describes how really ugly Muslims become when outraged, and that behavior has been going on since the very beginning as Muslims intimidated neighboring civilizations and cultures into accepting their ideology through pain. The pain of torture, mutilation, humiliation, and death, more-or-less the way that some earlier Christian groups spread Christianity through the world in less enlightened times.
One would think that 21st century man had moved beyond such uninspiring tactics to get across a point!
Muslims all over the world must believe that humans cannot be controlled without the use of draconian measures, and that even conversion to Islam will not guarantee good behavior. All over the world mullahs issues fatwas and sentence people to death under the slightest hint of misconduct. And women appallingly are routinely held more accountable than are men, a prime reason why I could never accept Islam as a religion or want Islam to be part of the social fabric of my local or national community.
How dare Muslims threaten Americans regarding behavior in the United States? I can understand demanding that visitors to Muslim lands observe norms of behavior if they are unfortunately found in those environs, but certainly they should have no say as to what Americans do within U.S. borders.
Muslims in the United States represent a tiny minority of the more than 300,000,000 residents, yet they feel that they can dictate how the majority must live. It is obvious to anyone with half a brain that their movement is determined to subjugate the rest of us.
Thank goodness there are some thinking people here in the United States that understand how dangerous Islam can be, and some are Muslims!
Americans only have to look to Europe to see what is happening "over there," the same thing that has been going on in India and Pakistan, Africa, Russia, and throughout the Far East for centuries as Muslims literally blow up and hack their way through the opposition to the spread of their rule.
Koran burning is literally an act of war
Imagine how much more fragile our lives could become if the statements of a fundamentalist preacher could inspire threats of death or violence against all Americans. The rallies are violent that even the participants are known to die as they have in earlier riots in 2005 over the depiction of cartoon images of Mohammed in a Danish newspaper that forced the artist into hiding for the rest of his life.
How can we let these people get away with that by giving any ideas legitimacy or a place in the American social fabric?
Granted most Muslims don't support violence, but do they support the what violent Muslims are attempting to achieve: Islamic triumphalism? If so, I say: begone and good riddance!
Myths and creeds are heroic struggles to comprehend the truth in the world. Do you agree?
Posted by: nike air jordan | January 29, 2011 at 03:45 AM
The pain of torture, mutilation, humiliation, and death, more-or-less the way that some earlier Christian groups spread Christianity through the world in less enlightened times.
Posted by: vibram five fingers | April 14, 2011 at 01:32 AM
they are unfortunately found in those environs, but certainly they should have no say as to what Americans do within U.S. borders.
Posted by: vibram five fingers | May 31, 2011 at 07:24 PM