One of my great pleasures in life has been enjoying the sight of attractive women. It never mattered what were their ages, their ethnicities, their nationalities, and the like, as long as they were grown. I enjoy the pleasing picture of older women who always project qualities their younger counterparts have yet to experience. Of course, I have always have maintained decorum (never a “dirty old man”), but I have “lusted with my eyes.” This summer, I find myself unable to enjoy a very human, male pastime. I am deprived, and I am asking why.
Just recently, we had to go over to our nearby university medical center to a specialty clinic, which took us through the big "U" campus. Ordinarily, all year long, there are pretty young peripatets carrying books and socializing in the pleasantness of summer days. There were none.
Oh, indeed, there were numerous “of age” females out and about on campus, but they were not pretty. The mature ladies were not alluring either. All were no different from the females off-campus in the outer urbanity we drove through, or from those in the small town we came from.
Not only were the attractive ladies not present, but unattractive ladies had taken their places wherever we went.
Almost all of the ladies were fat. They were wearing clothing made for asthenic women, such as hip-hugger jeans and very short skirts with ruffle bottoms, topped by tight-fitting shirts exposing their waists. It did not matter their ages, they all seemed to have gone to the same outfitter, some purveyor of tacky uniforms.
Some ladies avoided such absurd clothing, to be sure, but they were still fat.
One young lady comes to mind as rather typical. She was too fat for her frame, which tended toward the stocky anyway. She wore pink flip-flops and carried her hair in a ponytail. She had one of those very short shirts with a ruffled bottom; it reached no further down than her upper thighs, which rubbed together as she walked. Her lower abdomen had a fat roll that strained the upper portion of her skirt but remained hidden behind the skirt. Between her pink, skin-tight shirt, which revealed every excess percentage roll of body fat, was an exposed and large, peri-umbilical roll of fat, a “tire.” On the right side of that tire, for all to see, was a large tattoo. Thinner, she would have been attractive. Dressed by someone other than Good Will, she might have been pretty.
The thin girls, and there were a few, wore stuff like black lipstick, piercings, and hairdos that may have not had enough time to acquire a name. Their clothes seemed to come from charity bins also. As for makeup, the manufacturers in my part of the country are going broke.
What I am describing is not the unusual. No, dammit! It is the usual. It is the same everywhere, and it is no feast for the eyes. The universality of it bothers me.
I have a partial explanation--and maybe the rest of the explanation.
First, for the partial explanation, at least for the young women, I happened onto a television program that gave me nightmares. It was a rerun of a past season episode of The Biggest Loser. Two of the most accomplished stellar contestants went with their personal trainers back to their high schools. All of that was fine. One was in Colorado , and the other was in Iowa; both were public schools. What were deadly were the high school cafeterias.
The menus of each consisted of cheese burgers, ffried chicken, fried pies, french fries, pizza, and artery-killing desserts. Anything healthy was tucked away out of sight in coolers. It would not have mattered had these healthy items been prominently displayed on the food service line. The kids chose fat, fat, fat and more fat, in copious quantities.
This has been going on for years, and these atrocious food habits have been deeply entrenched in our youth.
The managers and servers could have cared less. The servers were there to serve, a la Brave New World. The managers were there to rationalize dietary evil.
If you are not reading Project Education Renovation, you are missing the best on-going expose’ of so-called “public education” there is, bar none.
These "public school" pied pipers are destroying the bodies of sheep-like children in the care of “public schools.” First, they wrecked their minds to gave us a culture of ignorati, illiterati, and animal-level minds. These docile "sheeple" continue to vote in and pay for all kinds of the same and never know the difference. Now, they are fat, fat, fat by habit and desire. They have hypertension and arteriosclerosis by age 16. By age 22, they look like breeding milch cows.
There is another concern, however.
It occurred to me, however, that what I was seeing is cultural iconography. One of the definitions of “icon” is “a recognizable symbol, a picture of symbol that is universally recognized to be representative of something.” |
These ladies are icons of the status of our culture these days. All of us have been lamenting the state of cultural degradation into nihilism. Girls and women who used to want to look nice just no longer care. This is another value destroyed by nihilism. This is what nihilism looks like.
As for men, guys seldom try to look pretty, but they have their own version of appearance nihilism . Theirs is the new, unhygienic look. Their hair looks tousled, unwashed, and unclean. Their faces go far beyond five o’clock shadows, all the way to the I-just-woke-up-from-a-seven-day-drunk-and-need-a-shave-and-bath look. Like the females, their clothes look like they come courtesy of the Salvation Army. Happily, only a few men are going for this “look.” Most men dress too banally to be noticed (not that that is bad).
Not so for men, so for the women, apparently.
I miss the look of fresh flowers and their fragrances embodied in our women. I also miss the culture which these looks replaced.