Via: A New Dark Age Dawning
"ignorant female teacher insists of wearing mask to teach."
This women is contracted to teach elementary school. Western students are accustomed to receiving visual cues in conjunction with auditory signals given by classroom teachers. Imagine your little one trying to learn anything for this masked wonder!
It's obvious from the BBC interview that she deceived the school governors, perhaps with the purpose of impose Shari'a on a Church of England School and then setting a precedent.
This stupid, but wily, young woman is trying it on. She should be shown the door of the school, and the door should then be bolted - firmly!
Such people are arrogant in the extreme. What do they take us for? Fools?
I would have zero tolerance for such nonsense. We need to send a STRONG message to these people: Abide by our rules, or get out!
Posted by: Mark Alexander | Sunday, 15 October 2006 at 08:42
Mark - Exactly: "abide by our rules, or get out." We share the same sentiment.
Posted by: Eleanor | Sunday, 15 October 2006 at 21:09
Eleanor: It's the only sensible way of looking at this, isn't it? That's what they would tell you in Saudi Arabia, I can assure you of that. What's sauce for the goose is also sauce for the gander. We've dorked around with these people for long enough. It's time to get tough.
Posted by: Mark Alexander | Monday, 16 October 2006 at 07:16