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Wednesday, 28 February 2007



Given that many of our new candidates for citizenship come from cultures that do not share the values of this country and its Founders, I am always glad to see any effort to educate them in that respect; knowing that there are three main branches of government doesn't cut it.

It's an impossible dream, I know, but if all candidates for citizenship had to have a thorough understanding of what a "right" REALLY is,what "capitalism" is (and why it is capitalism that has been the major attraction for their cadidacy), and why the Constitution was designed to protect the rights of citizens, including their right to think or believe as they wished, rather than as a "permission slip," then we could say we had really made an improvement.

Of course, if they knew all these things, they would be far ahead of most of our school children.


Cubed - Unfortunately you are correct. What passes for education in civics and U.S. History has been watered down and become politically correct, a waste of precious instructional time.

Part of the problem is that there is disconnect between what they learn and real life: few understand how learning about the past and the events in other communities can have an effect on their own.

And it will become worse because some legislators are concerned that children are being indoctrinated by their teachers. For instance, Arizona may pass a law disallowing the discussion of "controversial" political subjects.

The law of unintended consequences is always in play: precedents will be set that will extend to other subject areas. Anyone with half a brain understands that today everything in education is determined by politics.

About 20 years ago, an assistant principal told me that some day classroom instructors would be forced to teach from a script and move at a predictable pace "for the sake of uniformity." I didn't believe him then, but now I see the handwriting on the wall...

But I digress. It is imperative that our new citizens be subjected to the same "vigorous treatment" as were those of the waves during the 19th and early 20th centuries when they were coerced into learning English and citizenship.

In the days of lower numbers of immigrants, maintaining their former culture in semi-closed societies was comfortable and permitted, but with and average of one million new immigranats yearly and tens of millions of immigrants unaccounted for, it won't serve the best interest of the United States to preserve the practices of the past.

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  • Ideas power men. Men power cultures. Cultures power civilizations. Civilizations power history. Ideas are the fuel of man's mind.
  • It is not a question of whether man chooses to be guided by [philosophy]: he is not equipped to live without it. (Ayn Rand)
  • History is philosophy teaching by example (Lord Bolingbroke)
  • The trouble with nations is that there is an unequal distribution of capitalism. (Rush Limbaugh)
  • Shake off all the fears of servile prejudices, under which weak minds are servilely crouched. Fix reason firmly in her seat, and call on her tribunal for every fact, every opinion. Question with boldness even the existence of God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear. (Thomas Jefferson)

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Allah Showers His LOVE



    So far, Muslims have their greatest victory over us by making us shift into defensive living with regard to them. We tread with fear of "offending" them, of inciting world-wide riots by Muslims against us, and of always trying to curry favor with irrationalists. We used to go about life, guided by our own thoughts and desires, and no defensiveness. It is our fault that we let them dominate our behavior. STOP IT! Americans do not live defensively! Let savages fear us!