During Jim Crow, some Americans were refused the right to eat lunch counters and ride in the front of the bus with individuals of other races. This time Muslim cabbies are refusing service to certain riders because to transport anyone carrying alcohol, dogs, or even gays would violate their religion. Isn't that the same argument that racial segregationists used, the one that is still employed today by white supremist groups, such as the KKK?
The Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport Commission held hearings yesterday on the Muslim cabdrivers who are demanding the “right” to refuse service to infidels carrying alcohol, or blind people with guide dogs, or gays. The cabdrivers, in archetypal grievance-speak, claim that if the airport won’t let them discriminate against these types of infidels, it’s discrimination. In other words, we have to let them be intolerant, or we’re intolerant.
Taxi proposal gets sharp response via: LGF
“Our stance is first come, first served,” said airport director Steve Wareham. “The message is if you want to drive a taxicab at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, you will serve all customers.”Many cabbies disagreed, saying that the proposal denies them the right to freely practice their religion. “This is discrimination,” proclaimed Ahmed Shine, a taxi driver for seven years.
Abdifatah Abdi, who said he was speaking for an association of cabdrivers, said the commissioners “will be judged on your decision.” [Veiled threat, anyone? —ed.]
Yes, I agree. They will be judged by their decision, and should be voted out of office if they give in to this threat.
“You are deciding the livelihood of 600 drivers and their families,” Abdi said. “Say no to discrimination. Say yes to justice for the weak.”
What about justice for the rest of us that would have to brave the elements while waiting for a non-Muslim cabbie to come along or those whose plans would have to be changed because some Muslim cabbie refused to follow the law...and is allowed to get away with it??? Where's our justice?
Obviously the customs and practices of Islam do not translate or fit well into a secular society such as the United States.
This is discrimination against passengers, not against the drivers. If they want to drive they should follow the same law as everyone else.
BTW: "It’s another deliberate attempt by the Muslim Brotherhood front group calling itself the Muslim American Society, to insinuate shari’a into US society."
The lessons of history show that shari'a is implemented in stages, in small, almost imperceptible steps: prayer rooms in gymns and stadiums; purification stations and halal meals in public schools; Muslim-oriented curriculum and classes segregated by gender; public beaches and pools with "Muslim only" swimming schedules, or Muslim days at theme parks. Little by little, the target culture finds ancient rights and customs are jettisoned in favor of Muslims ... in order not to insult or annoy.
Last year, the MAC received a fatwa, or religious edict, from the Minnesota chapter of the Muslim American Society. The fatwa said that “Islamic jurisprudence” prohibits taxi drivers from carrying passengers with alcohol “because it involves cooperating in sin according to Islam.” ...A group of blind Minnesotans was on hand, too, testifying about taxi drivers who refused to transport their guide dogs because Muslims consider the saliva of dogs unclean. A well-known St. Paul imam, Hassan Mohamud, called that a misinterpretation of Islam and said it shouldn’t be a problem. Several drivers spoke strongly against anyone who would refuse to let a guide dog in his cab.
Part of the problem is that the much larger population of Muslims in Europe have been able to get away with this crap. We simply can't allow that to happen here. The Muslim impact in Europe should be an object lesson for us all.