Ex-Mulism and author, Nonie Darwish explains how the majority of Muslims are still in denial or vehemently believe that 9/11 and other "terrorism" is a Jewish conspiracy or self-defense against invaders of Muslim lands. (Via: A New Dark Age Dawning)
"Now They Call Me Infidel. During the interview, Nonie mentions the film "Obsession" that she believes all Muslims should see. Here is the intro at YouTube and more information at Front Page.
The principal venue is college campuses and Muslim student associations continue to agitate to prevent viewing.
Not a surprise as Muslims steadfastly refuse to hear criticism from either non-Muslims or Muslims, and label those that do "Infidels" as they have Nonie Darwish, a technique advocated by Mohammed who condemned to death all that opposed him during his lifetime and mandated that his cohorts follow suit, which they have for 1,400 years.
Instead of being tolerant and peaceful, they are Defenders of Intolerance,[and] Enemies of Free Speech, a position which they deny.
How can a Jihadist be able to claim that lopping off the head of "an infidel" is "peaceful"? The answer lies in the dualistic nature of Islam. Both positions are true at the same time because anything that is done to put forward the goals and aspirations of Islam are true and right. Also Mohammed, the "perfect model of behavior," mandated the "right path", part of which is to slay all non-believers, especially apostates.
And "peace" is Islam has an opposite meaning to that which we in the West understand. Instead of meaning the cessation of hostilities and co-existence, Islamic peace can only be achieved through the "abscence of enemies."
How do you make enemies go away? You offer them a chance to join you cause, in this case, to become Muslim, or to make understand that they must submit to the rule of Islam and Muslims. Those that continue in obstinacy must be killed.
We see this being carried out every day: people are overcome by Muslim invaders and sometimes kidnappers. Others are frightened into submission, such as forcing non-Muslim women to be veiled and men to wear beards, the forgoing of the consumption of alcohol, and giving up listening to music.
Finally, those that that refuse to comply, to be driven out, speak out, or fight back are murdered, sometimes in the most gruesome way...as an object lesson to the rest who would dare to not submit to Islamic totalitarianism.