Three events this last week of June of 2007 point out utter pitifulness in the UK and America.
First, in the UK, two London car bombs were detected and neutralized before people could be harmed on Friday, 29 June. Second, the following day, two "Asian-appearing men" ran a burning suv into the front of the Glascow, Scotland airport. Everything coming from England on the news has the talking heads speaking of persons from the "Indian subcontinent," perhaps, and "al Qaeda," perhaps. No one is being caught dead naming the obvious.
After the first incident in London, their chatter was all about whether the perpetrators were members of al Qaeda or any of a number of Muslim terrorist groups. Of course, the term "Muslim" was avoided, and "Islam" was mentioned only in the sense of a "tiny band of extremists who have hijacked a great religion of peace."
Over there and over here, we are wallowing in the West from leaderless leadership, which is more afraid of itself than the obvious enemy. Whether England or America, the leaderless leaders will do anything to avoid the obvious. They employ the methods of evasion, which is the willing avoidance of thinking. Any thinking would lead them to the blisteringly obvious conclusion that they desperately want to avoid.
Now they scurry into pathways suggesting, but not being definite about, all sorts of "home grown" terrorists and all sorts of terrorist groups which may or may not part of al Qaeda. They bend over backward to make the problem look infinitely bigger and much harder to resolve, which makes their inaction more excusable--to those who "buy" such excuses.
The third event took place in America on 27 June 2007. President Bush went shoelessly and self-esteemlessly to the Islamic Center in Washington, D.C. to rededicate the center, which was originally dedicated by President Eisenhower fifty years earlier. This is the same mosque that Bush went to right after the events of 11 September 2001 to grovel before Islamists and Islam, to let them know that ol' Religious George would be no threat to them because he had either excused, rationalized, or forgiven them, 'cause he "knew" that Islam is a "religion of peace," and all Muslims are loving, law-abiding, patriotic citizens who want his democracy as much as he wants to give it to them. Why, he even put a koran on his desk in the Oval Office.
Said Bush: "To underscore America's respect for the Muslim faith here at home, I came to this Center six days after the 9/11 attacks to denounce incidents of prejudice against Muslim Americans...Today we gather, with friendship and respect, to reaffirm that pledge ['peaceful progress']--and to renew our determination to stand together in the pursuit of freedom and peace. We come to express our appreciation for a faith that has enriched civilization for centuries..." (Emphasis mine)
By 900 A.D., Islamists had literally killed off all their philosophers and scientists who did not knuckle under to give up their minds for their faith. Thereafter, science and philosophy withered away, with very few names or advances. After 1200 A.D., Islamia sustained total intellectual silence--this is the "faith that enriched civilization for centuries." These facts come from the history books, George; you know, the ones with those new fangled things called "words" in them.
Of course, to Bush, practicing religion is the most important thing on earth, and he makes this very clear in this speech on the White House site. Clearly in this speech, a chance to practice religion comes before any other ideas such as individual rights and freedom. For example, he closes by stating, "We pray that you and your children may one day know freedom in all things, including the freedom in all things, including the freedom to love and to worship the Almighty God." Thankfully, our Founding Fathers could not hear that.
He goes on: "We have seen the expansion of the concept of religious freedom and individual rights in every region of the world--except one. [Like the U.N., North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Mexico, China, Russia, and sundry other countries]. In the Middle East, we have seen instead the rise of a group of extremists who seek to use religion as a path to power and a means of domination...They claim to undertake these acts of butchery and mayhem in the name of Allah. Yet this enemy is not the true face of Islam, this enemy is the face of hatred." (Emphasis mine)
Where are these benevolence true faces of Islam? Who are they? Why are none standing up against "hatred" alleged to this sub-sub-subsect of Islam?
Within his speech, he states: "I will appoint a special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference. This is the first time a President has made such an appointment to the OIC. Our special envoy will listen to and learn from representatives from Muslim states and will share with them America's views and values. This is an opportunity for Americans to demonstrate to Muslim communities our interest in respectful dialogue and continued friendship."
What evidence exists for concluding that Muslims want anything that makes America tick? Why would anyone think that Muslims want to know anything more than they do about America's views and values? What leads Bush to think they want respectful dialogue and continued (?) friendship with us? Has Bush been off planet the past several decades?
His language and tone betray Bush as much more a man of the Religious Left than the Religious Right. Clearly, he has learned absolutely nothing whatsoever about Islam, Muslims, and their Middle East. He wants to follow an agenda, just like the Left do, and the truth is the casualty.
Whether UK or USA, the leaderlesses and talking heads share one thing in common. They want to avoid the truth at all costs.
The truth is that what is happening has one, simple explanation. Occam's Razor applies. What explains that which is going on in the UK, in America, and in the Middle East, whether by one group or ten million groups, has one integrating foundation. That foundation is Islam. No, not bastardized Islam. No, not perverted Islam. No, not hijacked Islam. No, not fundamentalist Islam. No, not Islamo-fascism. It is Islam, period.
How many times must this be stated? Islam is the philosophy of conquest purposely obscured by calling it a religion, It has existed unchanged in any fundamental way for 1400 years. Islam dictates what Islamists, i.e., Muslims, do. There is no "moderate" Islam.
Furthermore, nothing about Islam is a secret, except to people who do not read or refuse to learn.
The basic doctrines of Islam are easily available to read. Islamists try to befog their understanding by trying the desperate measure of claiming that the koran cannot be understood unless you can read it in the ancient Arabic. This idea sells only to ignorant people who do not grasp the nature of knowledge. No, Islamic doctrines are cheap to buy, easy to read, and have many extremely well-written expositions of the contents of Islam by superb authors who are not apologists for Islam.
Maybe the UK has to undergo any number of these attacks from the "home grown" men who appear to be "asian" before they get off their deadly cowardly derriers. Note also, how racist these so-called identifications of perpetrators are. It is Islamists after them, directed by the philosophy of Islam which is essentially modern day Nazism. "Asian" is relevant only because the Indian subcontinent contains vast numbers of the most rabid of Islamists who have been invading England for decades. Otherwise, where these Islamists come from matters not. It is only what they believe that drives them.
Religious George will never catch on. He has had more data than anyone. He has had the data from the Carter through the Clinton administrations. He has had the data from 11 September 2001 on to the present. He has had voluminous data from his flops in Afghanistan and Iraq. He has data from Saudi Arabia, one of the two major terrorist sponsoring regimes, and Iran, the other. He has had the opportunity to read for himself and to direct his State and Defense Department officials to read the history and truthful accounts about the Arab mind and Islamism, not Karen Armstrong, et al.
Bush makes the same mistakes over and over, uses the same excuses, and shows no signs of having profitted from experience or having learned anything. In violation of his oath, he keeps our borders open to Islamic terrorist infiltration and will not deny visas or stays to Islamists from terror-sponsoring states. His commitment is clearly to religious correctness, and he seems prepared to take America down in the name of religious correctness.
The Brits seem unconcerned with religious correctness, but they are completely constipated mentally by political correctness. They seem fully prepared to take the UK down in the name of political correctness.
We are in extreme danger on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean. To paraphrase an old expression, "You can lead them to the facts, but you can't make them think."
They seem fully prepared to take the UK down in the name of political correctness.
Yes well, George, the political classes are after all almost to a man, Marxist in outlook, even if the majority of them not only don't own up to such, but don't even recognize that philosophy in their own outlook. They have all been so seeped in Marxism through their time in the halls of higher education they know no different. What was it Theodore Dalrymple said: "political correctness was simply the communist manifesto writ small". Of course they can't let go, it is their entire "reason to be", they let go and their whole world evaporates right in front of their eyes.
It is time to water the tree of liberty.
Posted by: Just Another Richard | Thursday, 05 July 2007 at 16:06
And now Gordon Brown has forbade the use of the words "Muslim" and "War on Terror." (Not that I was ever happy with last last, nebulous term.
The media and our leaders are tying themselves into knots as they vainly attempt to avoid the reason behind the attacks.
Posted by: Always On Watch | Thursday, 05 July 2007 at 18:20
"Islam is the philosophy of conquest purposely obscured by calling it a religion, It has existed unchanged in any fundamental way for 1400 years. Islam dictates what Islamists, i.e., Muslims, do. There is no "moderate" Islam."
That is the message we all need to understand and to propagate. having just read Mark Alexander's book "The dawning of a new dark age" I am now more aware than I ever was.
It seems to me that England is fxxxxd. It's too late. Weak government,PC, low birthrate amongst the indigenous population, complaceny, ignorance about Islam and the trendy left have ensured that the Islamic flag will be flying above Downing Street.
Only draconian measures can reverse this slow but inevitable move back into the middle ages. Measures that will not be undertaken because we are stupid. I can only hope that the armed forces will be mainly free of Muslims at that time so a coup d'etat may be our only saving grace.
Posted by: Ray | Thursday, 12 July 2007 at 03:18
First, my apologies to all for being tardy in responding. We've had some health matters to contend with.
Just Another Richard,
I just love "It is time to water the tree of liberty." I think it will come to this, right here on the homeland. We will have to fight THEM as well as fighting off the corrupt of our very own who stand in the way to victory and safety now.
Brown was tested by Islam one day after taking over from Corrupt Tony. Brown failed, as did the rest of local and national English government, and the entire EU. Refusing to use identifying words and refusing to face the facts are so perfidious that I cannot express myself well enough without scads of "blue" words. I simply am unconvinced that the Englishman as we have always thought of him, not these muzzies in English drag, will do anything but surrender to dhimmitude. Who would have ever thought that it would be Chamberlain to "Chamberlain" in one year short of 60, given the extreme demands of WWII on England?
An Armed Forces Staff College student published a paper in the early 1990s entitled something like, "The Coup of 2021." It was about the protacted degeneracy of civilian government which included misusing the military for all these "meals on wheel" jobs and jobs like Iraq where the troops have their hands and feet tied due to civilian imposed rules of engagement. Finally the military revolts and takes over the country to "save it." I sincerely believe that any of these dire predictions of Islamic induced attacks on America will unleash a civil uprising of historical proportions. I think the end of the uprising will be an Islam free country, and I think there will not be enough police or military to stop such a civil uprising.
Again, thanks to all.
Posted by: GM | Wednesday, 18 July 2007 at 14:46