We are particularly pleased with this issue of 6th Column Against Jihad, our website.
First, it is good to be able to get back to selecting, writing, and publishing after an unexpectedly disruptive summer. Second, the contributions to this issue are good reading.
We bid farewell to the novel Hatred of the Angels from our website because it has been published in book form. The link is on the Hatred of the Angels page, as well as selected chapter synopses provided by the author and her biographical sketch. Although it might seem to be off topic or off theme, we have included Theodore Dalrymple's article, Delusions of Honesty, because Dr. Dalrymple is such a magnificent thinker and writer of beautiful prose; he takes Tony Blair properly to the woodshed in this article. No Sharia completes his series on the Islamization of Europe and what to do about it, Islamization of European Union and Policies to Prevent It, Part 9: Policy Area 12: Security Policy, Part C.
If you ever see something written by Laurent Murawiec or about him, read it. The interview from Front Page Magazine, Pandora's Boxes, takes your mind deep into Islam understanding, different from most approaches. We included Dr. Hanson's Why Study War? because almost everything Dr. Hanson is so relevant. We reprinted Soeren Kern's thoughtful article, Who Is Allah?, to revisit the well-known and to discover nuances seldom known. A perennial favorite of ours is Ayaan Hirsi Ali, which is why we keeping our review of her outstanding autobiography currently available; The Role of Journalism Today tells the mainstream media what they ought to be doing rationally.
Our dear friend, Jacob Thomas, has absolutely outdone himself this time with three brilliant articles. Two concern Christianity and Islam (A New Minority in North Africa--The Maghrebi Christians under the Rule of Islamists; "Why Do the Copts of Egypt Fear Fridays?"), in ways you will find novel. The third, "The Myth of Islamophobia" , takes his translation from an Arabic language article and giving it rigorous analysis unique to him. You may be quite surprised by what he found in his Arabic source. Once again, we are honored to have another excellent analysis of Islam from Dr. Babu Suseelan, The Anatomy of Islamic Espionage and Sabotage.
Lastly, I am offering Ethical Motivation and Jihadis; Viet-Raq; "We refuse to 'get it,' and you can't make us!"; and "What Can I Do?" My editorial reflects on how big unexpected events change how one views old problems, i.e., Islam.
Here you will read about the history of the Islamic Jihad from its beginnings at Mecca in 620 C.E. up to 9/11, and the lessons it has for us in today’s challenging times. If we are to understand Islam, we need to understand the temperament of its founder Mohammed PBUH*, the way victorious Muslims have treated the subject people, and above all the reasons for the victory of Islam.
Posted by: sylet ds | Monday, 28 December 2009 at 04:16