I am not a member of or supporter of the food police. If people want to smoke, imbibe in alcohol, smoke dope, eat fast foods, etc., well, that is their concern, as long as it does not spill over adversely to me. I am more concerned right now about the unofficial agents of the nanny state trying to control what we consume than any harmfulness in the products, many of which are just alleged. There is one thing, however, I have come to despise.
That something is called "high fructose corn syrup."
[Continued on Nous American]
High fructose corn syrup is a sweetener made from corn and can be found in numerous foods and beverages on grocery store shelves in the United States. High fructose corn syrup is composed of either 42 percent or 55 percent fructose, with the remaining sugars being primarily glucose and higher sugars.
Posted by: casser nintendo ds | Monday, 28 December 2009 at 04:14