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  • Examining all ideas relevant to creating an America fulfilling the unkept promises of the Enlightenment. Focuses on current events, critical facts, and principles.
  • Auxilliary to Brushfires of Freedom.
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  • Companion website to blog "Brushfires of Freedom". In-depth analyses of global topics and trends as they impact the USA, philosophical issues of critical importance to matters such as the War with Islam, and the internal cultural rot of America. Publishes 4 - 6 times a year for new material. Some authors are not Objectivists, but all provide very valuable materials.
  • Eleanor offers materials concerning current events from all over the world, with her own unique take on these materials.
  • (Cubed). Focuses on principles and facts behind the present collapse of American education, particularly in the K - 12 range, and presents what might be and ought to be in schools, from an Objectivist orientation.
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« The British Underclass: The Effect and America Follows UK | Main | NOTICE »

Thursday, 15 November 2007



I'm a Brit - and a socialist. I completely agree that my country is going to shit and - unfortunately - this seem irreversible (in that any policy designed to halt the slide would be unacceptable to media, public and politicians themselves in that it would involve pointing out the existence of a few "elephants in the room"). However, it is erroneous to blame this on "socialism". It is the result of wishy-washy, hand-wringing wet liberalism. As a left-winger, I place great value on society and on its network of mutual obligations & duties: this is what sets us apart from the "devil-take-the-hindmost" individualism of the right. It follows from this that I detest the feckless culture of our underclass - and not least because it degrades what was once a strong working-class ethic of collectivism & self-improvement.

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It’s a great post Man, you really are a good writer! I’m so glad someone like you have the time, efforts and dedication writing, for this kind of article… Helpful, Useful, and Charitable.. Very nice post!


This is also occurring in the USA. I'm not too sure you can always blame the teachers, as education is not something that happens to you. It requires a student's active participation. It also requires an adult at home who is interested in the student's progress at school.

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Great info, i glad to see this blog, such an informative article, Thanks for share this.


Excellent. This situation was created back in the 70's when the Feds decided that employer tests for jobs were discriminatory. The employers said "Fine" and decided that instead of testing they would make a college degree the standard for hiring. Now when you buy a cell phone, you get to have a recent college graduate set it up. How's that working for you. The WSJ, I think Taranto, had an article on it or included it in one of his blog.

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For example, few of the 16 year olds whom he treated could read and write with any facility. Three syllables defeated almost all of them. Not a single youth he met could multiply nine by seven. He relates that one boy when asked to multiply three by seven said, "We didn't get that far." And, this lad meant by "that far" as after twelve years of compulsory education.

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It is really sad that we live in such modern countries and yet in some parts of our grat nation, the education system is overlooked.

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Jim Baxter

Jim Baxter
WWII & Korean War
semper fidelis
pointman/follower of The Lion of Judah

by James Fletcher Baxter

The Old World method of measuring human value was,
and still is, by the group. Whether tribe, clan,
city-state, color, ethnic, or gender, the Old
World, ancient and modern, measures by the plural
unit. Individuals had and have no value of them-
selves but only as they were and are part of a

When Y'shua Jesus died on the cross, the veil of
the Temple at the Holy of Holies parted from the
top down. The individual believer in the congrega-
tion had, for the first time, a face-to-face, one-
on-one relation with his Creator. The Creator,
Himself, had validated each individual for the
first time.Thus, the Individual became the corner-
stone for later human value measuring systems:
socio-political, philosophical, religious, educa-
tional, economic, etc., henceforth and forever.
Western Civilization, America, English Law, civil
Rights, the 'democratic' process, etc., all sprang
from that single event. (Greco-Roman 'democracies'
were 95% slave throughout their entire histories.)
Biblical principles are still today the foundation
under Western Civilization and the American way of

Many social systems attempt to borrow ideas of
"democracy" without the basic premise in The Indi-
vidual. Such a system is only superficially and
temporarily 'democratic.' The cornerstone of the
democratic process is The Individual and the
cornerstone of the value of The Individual is
Y'shua Jesus! It is not possible to have one with-
out the other. There is only One Source - there is
no other.

It is additionally interesting to note that all
value measuring systems are based on the single
definitive unit of the system. Ex: Number, Time,
Distance, Weight, Heat, Money, Angle, Volume, etc.

Only humanism makes the abusive error of measuring
human value by the plural unit and attempts to
build social structures, relations, and institu-
tions thereon. Such man-made systems can only be
abusive and oppressive because in reality there
are only individual persons. Groups or collectives
are merely convenient verbalizations about indi-
viduals. They are not reality.

I have yet to see a 'group.' All I have ever seen
are individuals.Have you ever seen a group - or is
it a verbal convenience? Reality is only in the
individual person. And, such a validation never
derived from a human source without the initiative
of the Creator. (The French Rationalists of the
18th Century favored the fruit - but rejected the
branch, tree, and root.)

Today, wherever Y'shua Jesus is rejected, the
group or collective is still the basic way of
measuring human value - or human non-value.

We thank the Lord God for revealing His validation
of each individual person. We thank Him for creat-
ing each person uniquely, in His image, and call-
ing each one to a courageous ascension by Y'shua
Jesus, who said, "I AM the Way..."

Praise the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and
His Son of Man, Y'shua Jesus.

Reference: Exodus 25:30,40 Hebrews 9 Matthew 27:51
Mark 15:38 Luke 23:45 KJV

Jim Baxter
Teacher, 5th Grade - 30 wonderful years!
vincit veritas

pointman/follower of The LION of JUDAH

Jim Baxter

"What is human?" GOD's answer...

Keven J. Hasson, President of the Becket Fund, recently stated, "...the American and Soviet systems...offered differing visions of freedom and human nature." The missing element in every human 'solution' is an accurate definition of the creature.

In the Bible, God's Word has accurately defined the human being as 'the earth creature endowed with the ability to choose.' His natural Rights, therefore, are merely an extension and application of natural human endowments, which all humans -everywhere in the world - possess.

Even as goldfish, canaries, and puppy dogs require an environment based on their natural features, so humans require external freedom to fulfill their natural internal abilities of choice, selection, election, and consent.

Uniquely, America was founded on this definitive paradigm in human nature. All nations should reject foundational human opinion that teaches otherwise.

Further, God's gift of criteria for choosing between alternatives supplies us with superior standards for successful visionary choice-making. Humans cannot invent (or replace) criteria greater than self, ACLU to the contrary.

Defining 'human' accurately is the first step in establishing accurate and successful environments, institutions, and creative relationships for earth's Choicemaker. Middle East governments, and all leaders, would do well to pay attention: nature and nature's Creator speak with an authoritative voice. Psalms 25:12 119:30, 173 Joel 3:14 Selah

No one is smarter than their criteria.

Jim Baxter

Each individual human being possesses a unique, highly developed, and
sensitive perception of variety. Thus aware, man is endowed with a natural
capability for enacting internal mental and external physical selectivity.
Quantitative and qualitative choice-making thus lends itself as the superior
basis of an active intelligence.

Human is earth's Choicemaker. His title describes his definitive and
typifying characteristic. Recall that his other features are but vehicles of
experience intent on the development of perceptive awareness and the
following acts of decision and choice. Note that the products of man cannot
define him for they are the fruit of the discerning choicemaking process and
include the cognition of self, the utility of experience, the development of
value measuring systems and language, and the acculturation of

The arts and the sciences of man, as with his habits, customs, and
traditions, are the creative harvest of his perceptive and selective powers.

Creativity, the creative process, is a choice-making process.

His articles,
constructs, and commodities, however marvelous to behold, deserve neither
awe nor idolatry, for man, not his contrivance, is earth's own highest
expression of the creative process.

Human is earth's Choicemaker. The sublime and significant act of choosing
is, itself, the Archimedean fulcrum upon which man levers and redirects the
forces of cause and effect to an elected level of quality and diversity.
Further, it orients him toward a natural environmental opportunity, freedom,
and bestows earth's paradigm title, The Choicemaker, on his singular and
plural brow.

In the Bible, God's Word has accurately defined the human being as
'the earth creature endowed with the ability to choose.' His natural Rights,
therefore, are merely an extension and application of natural human
endowments, which all humans - everywhere in the world - possess.

Even as goldfish, canaries, and puppy dogs require an environment
based on their natural features, so humans require external freedom
to fulfill their natural internal abilities of decision, choice, selection,
election, and consent.

Uniquely, America was founded on this definitive
paradigm in human nature. All nations should reject foundational human
opinion that teaches otherwise.

No one is smarter than their criteria.

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If you want to see the mind blowing article with real facts and figures, this has really tremendous impacts on readers.

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This is not the first of your posts I've read, and you never cease to amaze me. Thank you, and I look forward to reading more.

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  • Ideas power men. Men power cultures. Cultures power civilizations. Civilizations power history. Ideas are the fuel of man's mind.
  • It is not a question of whether man chooses to be guided by [philosophy]: he is not equipped to live without it. (Ayn Rand)
  • History is philosophy teaching by example (Lord Bolingbroke)
  • The trouble with nations is that there is an unequal distribution of capitalism. (Rush Limbaugh)
  • Shake off all the fears of servile prejudices, under which weak minds are servilely crouched. Fix reason firmly in her seat, and call on her tribunal for every fact, every opinion. Question with boldness even the existence of God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear. (Thomas Jefferson)

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Allah Showers His LOVE



    So far, Muslims have their greatest victory over us by making us shift into defensive living with regard to them. We tread with fear of "offending" them, of inciting world-wide riots by Muslims against us, and of always trying to curry favor with irrationalists. We used to go about life, guided by our own thoughts and desires, and no defensiveness. It is our fault that we let them dominate our behavior. STOP IT! Americans do not live defensively! Let savages fear us!