Were it not for a cluster of signs of madness about recently, need for writing this would have be moot. However, I am almost desperate to help put an end to this "global warming madness."
On-going, enviro-communists have been screaming about "doom, despair, and agony on us" about "global warming," particularly singling out homo sapiens in general and homo sapiens americani in specific as THE CAUSE of catastrophe in extremis. We call this the first insanity, and we wrote recently about their illogic and the real logic behind "global warming." Enter Al Gore and his "earth in the lurch" flailing.
The second insanity came when Al Gore was nominated for an Academy Award for this year. Talk about nominating and voting an agenda! Then came the third insanity when Al Gore was nominated by the Swedish Nobel Committee for the Nobel "Peace" Prize for this year. If he wins, he will join Nelson Mandela, Kofi Annan, Yassar Arafat, and Jimmy Carter--wow!
Now comes the fourth insanity, from, who else, the United Nations.
UN Climate Summary Designed to Dupe, Critics Say
By Kevin Mooney
CNSNews.com Staff Writer
February 02, 2007
(CNSNews.com) - Scientific evidence for human-induced global warming will receive a significant boost Friday when the U.N.'s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) releases the summary of a key report, according to environmental activists and top Democrats in Congress...The IPCC Summary for Policymakers, roughly 20 pages long, is primarily the work of political appointees, not of scientists, according to Richard Lindzen, professor of atmospheric science at MIT. He told Cybercast News Service the rules for the fourth assessment report specifically require changes to be made to the body that will bring it into line with the summary statement. "If you were doing that with a business report, the federal trade commission would be down your throat," Lindzen said. "These people are openly declaring that they are going to commit scientific misconduct that will be paid for by the United Nations," Harvard University physicist Lubos Motl wrote on his website last week.
"If they find an error in the summary, they won't fix it," Motl said. "Instead, they will 'adjust' the technical report so that it looks consistent..."
The relevant provision, which appears in an appendix of the IPCC's principles, also attracted the attention of Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), a global warming skeptic and long-time critic of the IPCC process. In a statement Inhofe slammed what he termed the "systematic and documented abuse" of the scientific process by the IPCC and called for changes that would mitigate against relevant scientific evidence from being excluded from its reports.
100 nations VOTED on this report in order to establish its truth! I kid you not. That is what makes this report pure JUNK, and you and we should not be buying JUNK. It is bad enough that people over-pay for old, used stuff, and glory in calling them "antiques," but this situation is so much more serious. All the enviro-communists want to harness America and its capitalism to supporting anti-capitalism.
Al Gore and the entire ilk need endless enemas to get rid of what they are so full of.
To recap the facts and principles:
- The globe is either warming or cooling but is never in a steady-state; this has been its entire history.
- The globe has been warming since the mid-19th century and the end of the "Little Ice Age."
- Humans have neither started, stopped, caused, or uncaused any of these mega-climatic changes and cannot.
The other principles comes from the vast testing databank. We are offered two statements. We are expected to declare that each statement is true, and we are to affirm that statement one comes from statement two. Here's the typical example:
- The earth is in a period of global warming.
- Human industry and its products are the cause and exacerbation of global warming.
The second statement they expect you to agree with. However, the truth is this:
- The earth appears to be in a period of warming.
- Human industry and products may contribute atmospheric factors, but these are too minor to have any significance.
Do not be stampeded into buying junk "science." Stick with antiques.